Case Studies

Bulletproof Electric: How Invoice Funding Kept Them in Business

Quick Snapshot

Company: Bulletproof Electric, LLC
Leadership: Eli Hericks, owner
Industry: Electrical Services for Oil and Gas
Challenge: Managing extended payment terms, payroll, and large-scale project financing
Solution: Personalized invoice factoring through FundThrough
Impact: Enhanced business operations, employee satisfaction, client credibility, and growth


Bulletproof Electric is a small business that serves Northeastern Colorado’s oil and gas sector. Under the day-to-day management of Lisa Hawthorne, the company has expanded from a two-person operation to a key service provider for major energy producers. The journey of growth, however, wasn’t without financial challenges, particularly because of long payment terms that strained cash flow. This case study delves into how FundThrough’s personalized service and human touch made a pivotal difference, empowering Bulletproof Electric to thrive and expand despite these hurdles.

The Industry

The demanding nature of the oil and gas industry and the essential role of electrical services in the sector.

The oil and gas industry demands high reliability and precision in its operations, requiring service providers like Bulletproof Electric to be both technically adept and financially agile. These companies often face the challenge of large initial outlays for labor and materials, with delayed payments that can cripple cash flow and limit growth.

Bulletproof Electric's Journey

From Startup to Powerhouse: Managing Growth in a High-Demand Industry

Founded to meet the specific needs of the energy sector, Bulletproof Electric quickly realized that managing large projects wasn’t just a logistical challenge but a financial one as well. Eli Hericks, as the owner, endeavored to steer the company through these complexities. Despite having a good relationship with their bank, the small company found that traditional banking solutions fell short; they did not meet the bank’s requirements for a loan due to the high fees and rigid structures they encountered.

The Challenge

Financial hurdles: extended payment terms and challenges from a major client’s payment system transition.

With projects often requiring significant upfront investment, while clients typically extend payment terms up to 90 days, Bulletproof Electric needed a solution that not only provided financial relief but also a partner who understood the nuances of their business. The challenge was further compounded when their biggest client transitioned from using Enverus’ OpenInvoice to another platform for their payables. This change disrupted the usual payment processes, leading to additional complications and delays. Lisa shared, “During this transition, we faced a marathon of challenges as our client changed their payables software. We struggled with invoice tracking and payments being delayed even further—sometimes 20-30 days past their usual schedule.”

In this critical period, FundThrough demonstrated exceptional adaptability and commitment. “FundThrough didn’t just stand by; they actively worked with us to find solutions that ensured we would get paid on time despite the ongoing issues. Their ability to think outside the box and keep us in business through innovative problem-solving was exactly what we needed,” Lisa emphasized. This support was crucial in maintaining Bulletproof Electric’s operations and further solidified Lisa’s confidence in choosing FundThrough as more than just an invoice funding company, but a true business partner.

FundThrough has not just been a financial service; they’ve been a strategic partner in our growth and stability. Without their support during critical times, we simply wouldn’t be in business today.” -Lisa Hawthorne, Bulletproof Electric

The Turning Point

Finding FundThrough: Discovering a Financial Partner Like No Other

The search for a suitable financial partner led Bulletproof Electric to FundThrough, whose standout feature was not just competitive financing options but a truly personalized service. “It was the human element that caught our attention. Being able to call and text our account manager, getting quick and personal responses—it wasn’t something we found with other services,” Lisa shared. This personal touch was crucial in her decision, emphasizing the value of human interaction over automated services.

The Difference FundThrough made for Bulletproof Electric

Personalized Financial Service & Creative Problem Solving: FundThrough stood out due to a personalized approach that truly resonated with Lisa and her team.

What set FundThrough apart was their understanding of our unique challenges and their readiness to provide tailored solutions. It wasn’t just about funding; it was about forming a responsive partnership. Our account manager was always just a call away, ready to assist and advise, making us feel supported at every step,” said Lisa.

This approach fostered a strong sense of collaboration and trust.


Reliable Cash Flow Support: The financial structure of Bulletproof Electric’s projects often demanded large upfront investments, making consistent cash flow crucial. Lisa noted, “The ability to manage our cash flow effectively, without the impersonal nature of automated systems, really made a difference. We were not just another number; we were a partner they [FundThrough] were invested in helping succeed.”

This reliable support from FundThrough enabled Bulletproof Electric to undertake projects with confidence, ensuring operational continuity, reliable payroll, and growth.

Enhanced Business Stability: During a pivotal transition period for one of their major clients, FundThrough proved to be more than just a financing company.

FundThrough’s involvement meant we could not only survive but thrive. They’ve been instrumental during a particularly tough 14-month period with one of our largest clients, ensuring we stayed operational,” Lisa elaborated.

This support was crucial in helping the company navigate the complexities and maintain stability amid significant external challenges.

The level of personal service and genuine care FundThrough offers is unparalleled. They’ve been more than a financier; they’ve been a lifeline.” -Lisa Hawthorne, Bulletproof Electric

The Road Ahead

Continued Growth: Bulletproof Electric’s plans for the future in partnership with FundThrough.

With the support of FundThrough, Bulletproof Electric is poised for future growth, planning to take on even larger projects and expand their market presence. The company aims to gradually reduce its reliance on external financing as it builds a stronger foundation, yet the relationship with FundThrough remains a cornerstone of their strategy.


The experience of Bulletproof Electric showcases the significant impact of personalized financial services in empowering businesses within industries that have long payment terms, like oil and gas. FundThrough’s commitment to providing a human touch not only helped Bulletproof Electric manage its financial challenges but also fostered a relationship that goes beyond typical client-financier dynamics, setting a new standard in the invoice funding industry for service and support.

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